Monday, February 25, 2013

Oh My Gosh


We met with President Robinson this morning, and came home with our heads spinning. We are now going to be helping in the Mission Office 2 1/2 days a week. Elder and Sister Pankratz are leaving March 28th, and there is NO new Couple coming to work in the Office. We WERE told that 13 new apartments needed to be found by July....NOT.........20 need to be found, all construction and furnished by July 24th.  As of right now, 28 new Missionaries will be coming to this Mission in July, and President said there may be more. Apartments need to be found ALL OVER Holland and Belgium. We will go into the office Monday Mornings for a couple of hours, then Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to whenever. We hope we can do all that is being asked of will start learning how to deal with Real Estate people here in the Netherlands. Sister Pankratz and I sat down today and made a list of all the things needed to furnish these apartments. WOW.......all these new Missionaries is costing the church Millions!!!! President Robinson said he will have to rent a bus and Hotel rooms when all the Missionaries come......the Mission Van and Home will only accommodate 9. And this is happening ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!!

The next, and ONLY Senior Couple coming will be in May. We hope they will want to work in the Office.....can you believe WE will be training an Office Couple!!!! If not the Office, we hope they will serve with the JoVo's  in Amsterdam. That way we would move to where the Pankratz's now live, which is only a 5 minute drive to the Mission Office. It now takes us, without any traffic jams, 40 minutes to drive to the Office. When we were 'set apart' as Missionaries, President Webb said we would be stretched......we feel that stretch now!!!!! All will work, and we are here to serve!!!! Oh,  and I will have to fix lunch on Monday's for the office Staff. That is the day President is in the office.......then FHE that night. We just hope we will have time to spend with you when you come in April. You can help cook, travel with us to look at apartments, attend FHE and Institute.....Temple Conference is that week as will all work out. Just having you here will be worth everything. You can see us in action.

We love you......keep praying for us. We are off to rest for the wicked.

Vader and Moeder

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